According to some recent findings by scientists, there are deposits of gold and silver as well as rare elements like palladium and vanadium and they are all in your poop. That's right. Who knew you were excreting such valuable items out on a daily basis?

The findings were presented at the 249th National Meeting & Exposition of The American Chemical Society.

They say that our feces have precious metals and mining it could be cheaper and more environmentally friendly. What's more, rare earth elements are widely used in electronics and the productions of alloys. There's also a reason why it's rare - but poop isn't, so it shouldn't be rare anymore!

Have a look:

The image above shows microscopic gold-rich and lead-rich particles.

The poop examined by Kathleen Smith and her team discovered that the gold was at the level of a minimal mineral deposit. But before you go ahead and keep your poop, here this out:

Scientists have yet to identify all the metals our poop contains and how it could be recovered. The research team will be working on finding a way to get the good metals out of the poop and leaving the useless stuff behind.