There are all kinds of jobs around the world, but the oddest one we've heard so far is one that pays to have sex with prostitutes. That's 'John's' job. This 60-year-old divorced man is tasked with this incredibly difficult job of having sex with prostitutes in Sydney, Australia.

He's a private investigator whose job is to "gather evidence" about illegal brothels by posing as a customer.

He says this:

I’m sure plenty of fellas would be a bit envious of how I’m earning a bit of pocket money from time to time. But I’m being paid to do something most people pay good money for. More often than not though, it’s just a handjob. It’s not your typical nine-to-five, Monday-to-Friday job. There are no time constraints, and there’s never been a stage where I’ve felt threatened or worried about my safety.

The weirdest / best job ever? What do you think?

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