With divorce rates increasing over the years, there are now more single fathers today. And believe it or not, they haven't been slacking off as a parent. HuffPost Parents decided to ask their readers what single fatherhood looks like and here's the response:

"When you play both roles in a child's life, sometimes you have to look the part."

"It means fun and hard work (lots of hard work) rolled into one, 24/7."

"Being a single father is being a best friend, a hero, a teacher, a listener, a shoulder to cry on, kissing boo-boos away and LEARNING."

"Being that one special person who lights up her eyes when I come home from work. No matter how tired and sleepy I am it makes my day to stay up and read to her and play with her until she's ready for bed. It's a lot of work but I wouldn't trade my angel for anything in the world!"

"Being her everything."

"Getting to enjoy life without petty stress and be able to enjoy more, rather than thinking it's over."

"It means that all pictures of us together are selfies. Otherwise I'm never in the picture."

"They are a part of who I am. Always present."

"It means living my life so my daughter feels happy and loved."

"At times it can get tough not having the other partner to help or be a part of there life but I do everything I can to keep them smiling. When you're having a tough day and you see those boys smile and say "Daddy, I love you" will always turn your day around."

"For me it means lots of love in the few days I do get with her. Love, hugs, kisses, cuddles and lots and lots of tears when she goes back to her mother."

Check out more here.