Did you know that February is National Condom Month in US? The American Sexual Health Association (ASHA) has recognized February as National Condom Month, and we would love to share some alternative uses for Condoms (apart from its function as birth control, and protecting us from sexually transmitted diseases). You might be surprised (as well as disgusted).

#1 - Water Storage 

Due to its elasticity, condom can be used to store water. Just cover it with a colourful sock if you don't want others feel disgusted. You can also use it as water bomb in a balloon fight!

#2 - Fishing Bobber 

Condom can be used to prevent your bait from washing off the hook while fishing. Very simple and less hassle.

#3 - Food Saver

Condom can also be used to save your food or fruit from oxidizing and turning into brown. Make sure you wrap with a non-lubricated condom. Plus, this prevent your friends to eat your foods!

#4 - Cold Pack

Fill up with water, and put it in the freezer. Voilà! Cold pack for sprained ankle.

#5 - Rubber Bands

Running out of rubber/elastic bands? Cut the condom to create rings. You can get about 20 bands at once depending on the width. You can keep your cables nicely managed. No more messy cables and cords!

#6 - Cooking with Condom

You can always use a clean and unused condom for cooking. Do not overheat or you might have your foods spilt all over the place.

Nice, huh?

#7 - Gadget Protector

Condom can be used to protect your cellphone from getting wet. Waterproof! Make sure you use non-lubricant one.

#8 - Jar Opener

Having hard time opening a jar? Get a non-lubricant condom to help you twist with ease.

Do share this with your friends.