Taking a dump outside is tough because this is a time where you're most vulnerable. You make the kinds of faces you hope no one else, including you, sees. Here are 15 struggles only those who hate pooping in public will understand.

1. Is it even clean?

2. How do I poop with all that noise?

3. The long line.

4. The locks don't work.

5. Every single stall is full.

6. No toilet paper.

7. People will know you're gone for a while.

8. You might actually feel embarrassed.

9. If it is a shared office toilet, you hope you don't leave a smell.

10. Or hope there's no one else in there.

11. Basically, you're generally uncomfortable on any other throne except your own.

12. You try to hold it in for as long as you can, until you can't.

Don't wait till it's too late!

13. Or you simply get constipated because your bowels are like Gandalf:

14. Except, even Gandalf fell.

15. You sigh because you've got no choice. No choice.