Anybody planning a mate's stag party and intending to take the lads abroad for a weekend or longer is going to be fairly busy putting together an itinerary of events for this unforgettable final lads' outing prior to the wedding day.

Some points that should be considered when organising stag parties abroad include:

•    Allowing plenty of time in the months prior to the wedding to organise the stag do and making sure the trip allows a recovery time afterwards prior to the wedding date

•    Keeping the invites limited to a group of no more than 15 guests will ensure a good time for all but avoid any splinter groups developing. An additional local stag do can be put in place for larger groups of more diverse family and friends

•    Check with the groom on his preferred stag do activities. Don't just assume he'll want the traditional beer, strippers and ogling women on dance floors weekend away

•    Give guests a choice of potential dates so as many invited guests as possible attend the event

•    Check out a variety of different accommodations prior to making a confirmed booking and book rooms for all party members as it will be easier if everybody stays in the same place. It may be possible to arrange discounted room rates for large groups, so don't be afraid to negotiate

•    Keep budgets in mind at all times. Not everybody will have the same funding levels, so make all guests aware of just how much the stag do will cost as soon as final prices are available

•    Ensure the groom is fully aware of all arrangements at all times as it is his stag party and keeping him happy is the most important facet to the party

•    Arranging flights is one of the most important factors to sorting out stag parties abroad. It may be tempting to hang on and hope prices go down closer to the departure date but booking for a large group of people can be problematic at the last minute so it's far better to sort flights out at the earliest possible convenience

•    With that in mind, it should be made obvious to all guests that they are responsible for ensuring passports are valid for the trip!

•    Booking activities for the stag do will entail a fair bit of research unless an activity holiday is booked for all participants. The groom may enjoy an active stag party so sailing or diving, adrenaline type breaks or entertainments holidays might be the way forward as it will cut down on the work entailed booking a variety of different activities direct with the venues

•    Make sure all invited guests are fully aware of the itinerary of events well in advance of the departure date

It's not an easy matter to arrange stag parties abroad and language difficulties can cause problems when dealing direct with hotels and activity venues, but it will be worth it in the end and the groom will really appreciate the time and trouble taken to stage his big party away. are experts at arranging stag parties in the UK and overseas and their team of professionals can assist with planning the perfect lads' break away, which will be sure to give the groom memories to treasure for the rest of his life.

It's possible to book a variety of different activity type stag parties and one major benefit of arranging the stag do through is their 24-hour emergency helpline which gives a guarantee the stag do won't end on a sour note!