Despite growing up in such a cool time, the 90s weren't exactly as awesome as we remembered it to be for these 12 reasons. What would kids of today say about this era when they're older, we wonder. Check out the list below:

1. Phones were heavy, large, bulky etc.

2. It took forever for a picture to load online.

3. Answering unknown calls were common, we couldn't screen them!

4. You could hid another pair of legs in those jeans.

5. Movies in tapes. Do you even remember?

6. If you got lost, you'd have to rely on traditional paper maps.

7. Will Smith wrote a song for every movie he was in.

8. If the last person didn't rewind the tape, you'd be watching the ending of a movie.

9. Soda was way more complicated back then.

10. If you missed an episode on TV, you would have to wait for a rerun, which would be quite a while later.

11. This was apparently a hit song.

12. Y2K scared the shit out of everyone.