Let's leave 2014 a little smarter. These 15 pictures below will teach you a thing or two about random things. Check the list out below. I was shocked with #5.

1. Is this how they really do it?

2. Omg..it was a hat after all?

3. So that's what no-more-tears meant.

4. Well, can't say this was not a shocker.

5. There's a green man in the background that does all the hair flipping in hair commercials.

6. The proper way to pour out from a box.

7. How to properly wear headphones.

8. Where the Great Wall of China ends. Looks like a boat could have done the trick.

9. Is this really how it's pronounced?

10. How Michael Jackson made magic.

11. The reason the grass is greener on the other side: it gets painted on.

12. I really didn't know this up until now.

13. So this is awkward for Hawaii..

14. Will Smith's older, not famous, regular guy, son.

15. Your 12-inch-sub isn't...12 inches.