If you're in search of some real-life comedy on the web, just head to Yahoo! Answers. It is a place filled with so much stupidity, it makes you wonder how some of these people managed to get through life for so long. Check it out below:

1. How to get your baby pregnant.

2. Death by pizza.

3. Melting penis?

4. Seriously, this was the question:

5. Why would anyone want to remove an eyeball?

6. Canada, oh, you mysterious one, you.

7. Absolute amnesia or absolute stupidity?

8. Better get some vaccination for your gameboy.

9. Monica.

10. The holes in your cat's fur. Lol.

11. Yes, indeed, how did they go outside?

12. There could be one, but it hasn't been found yet.

13. I don't see why not.

14. Now, this is a tough one.

15. You might actually pass it!

16. Did this guy attend school? All signs point to no.

17. Use magic.

18. Shazam this.

19. ....

20. Why indeed.

21. Debatable.