I've been to some really beautiful places in my life. But what really shocks me about some places, are the lack of certain amenities that are considered a must have. We're talking about WiFi.

1. Beach resorts.

They claim to have WiFi, but they will most likely not work if you are out of range, and by out-of-range we mean anywhere that’s not the lobby. 

2. Small towns.

The lack of infrastructure argument may not be valid these days because almost everywhere is 3G or LTE-able. But you simply can't be tethering your devices all the time unless you have 15 batteries in your backpack. Most places don't even offer WiFi.

3. Shopping malls - reliable ones!

Shopping mall WiFi, provided by shopping malls, seems like the kind of network that takes forever to connect to. While we don’t doubt that it actually works, but we’re guessing everyone is trying to connect at the same time too, thus, congesting the network almost immediately…and forever.

Malls, not only for shopping!

4. Your grandparents' house

Sure, old people don't really need the Internet, but you'd be surprised by just how many of them are online these days. Do them a favor by bringing some Internet the next time you come around. I hear it's better than fruit.

5. Highways.

This seems like a hard one to provide for, but imagine the possibilities - you don't have to rely on the fluctuating mobile data signals, plus if you ever get lost, or bust a tire, all you need is to do a quick search online and you'll have the rest of your day's solution answered for you.

It may seem like a crazy idea to carry Internet with you wherever you go, but in the form of a dongle, the PortaWifi is near-perfect if you ever find yourself in any of those places listed above. Check out this link to know about it and more ways you can use it over here.