What if a movie were filmed in the first person? What would it look like? Something like a game of course. While this isn't the first, first person shooter game to exist, it's interesting to note that the director for this film is trying to raise funds to make it into an actual movie.

He's raising money from IndieGogo. Here's a taste of it:

This is the synopsis:

HARDCORE is a modern, action Sci-Fi story about HENRY, a newly resurrected cyborg who must save his wife/creator ESTELLE (Haley Bennet) from the clutches of a psychotic tyrant with telekinetic powers, AKAN (Danila Kozlovsky), and his army of mercenaries. Fighting alongside Henry is JIMMY (Sharlto Copley), who is Henry's only hope to make it through the day. Hardcore takes place over the course of one day, in Moscow, Russia and it's all shot in the same style as BAD MOTHERFUCKER to be released in cinemas worldwide.

Watch it below: