Some knockoffs are bad. Some are beyond bad. Then there are some which almost made the cut. They almost got things right. Except for that tiny little difference.

1. Almost got it right..

2. A few things are a tad off, but at least it got 'Bat' right.

3. Mickey on drugs, or Mickey with rabies?

4. Harry's less famous twin.

5. Crazy knock-off movie.

6.  Special man...huh?

7. What's Thor doing there?

8. And just who is this?

9. Tappy toes. Better than feet.

10. Deats. Gotta love them deats.

11. Karl Lagerfeld won't be caught wearing these.

12. You'll smell OK.

13. They didn't even bother to try with this one.

14. Baet Simpson.

15. This must be the hottest hipster coffee joint around.