Season 5 has begun, and the first episode kept me at the edge of my seat. This is why we're still watching The Walking Dead. There were tears. A lot of blood. And just too much suspense in one episode.

Warning: graphic content and spoilers below: 

It started out with Rick and a few more being laid out like lambs for slaughter. 

First, beat them in the head.

And then cut their throats to drain their blood. Freaking brutal.

Thankfully, Carol saved the day by blowing up a gas tanker with a firework. 

Then she covered herself in zombie guts to infiltrate Terminus.

Then Carol shot Mary, the Terminus butcher. 

But left her alive to be eaten by the zombies.

Elsewhere, this guy threatened to kill Judith.

But Tyreese went super saiyan and didn't allow that to happen.

Rick, is a truly a hero. He escapes from being bound up. Stabs the butchers and frees everyone.

Frees the boxcar prisoners. He's got the highest respect from them now. 

Carol is now part of the group again.

This is crazy. My heart almost couldn't handle it.