You'll be glad to know that there are more dumb people around than you think. And that is great because there will be less people competing for that promotion you've been wanting. Check out this week's edition of the 21 dumbest people on the Internet after the jump:

1. I am utterly lost for words on this one.

2. He learned nothing.

3. This guy isn't even close to mediocrity.

4. Da fug??

5. It was a waste of $25.

6. No future in architecture and engineering for sure.

7. Someone tell this guy to go back to school, really.

8. Sacrifice is pointless.

9. Don't tell Eric the truth. Don't.

10. Don't let Jamie out into society. Please.

11. Oh dear..where do we start with this one?

12. This guy probably doesn't add value to society.

13. Shelby should never get pregnant. She'll be in shock.

14. The one night they didn't use their brains.

15. He could at least be a good cook.

16. This guy has it figured out.

17. This girl is just flooding the world with dumb.

18. I hope he didn't swallow. The commenter also needs to go back to school.

19. The world needs people like this. For humor.

20. Wow. Just wow.

21. Toe dicks, anyone?