Malaysia celebrates its 57th year of independence. We've come a long way folks, so we listed the 57 things we can all be thankful for. 

Read the list below set to Fatboy Slim's Praise You for more-feels effect.

1. We are not at war.
2. We have tons of food choices to choose from.  
3. For the folks who worked tirelessly to bring home those involved in the MH17 crash.
4. For access to water.
5. For the beautiful islands that we have, and should really visit.

6. For being able to see past color or creed.
7. For being able to say what we feel, most of the time.
8. We are more patriotic than ever.

9. We have the freedom to practice our religion.
10. For having one of the most public holidays.
11. For being able to spend more time with loved ones because of that.
12. For having cultural diversity, because that makes our lives more colorful.
13. Internet freedom. No matter how awful it may seem some days.
14. For being able to unite together against bullies.
15. For being able to come together regardless of color and creed when it comes to lending a hand.
16. We have one of the best eco tourism spots in the world
17. We speak at least 2-3 languages
18. We can visit almost any country in the world
19. We get to travel for cheap
20. Uber is allowed to operate here. At least for now.
21. We travel more than most people
22. Our infrastructure is improving, somewhat
23. Our petrol is cheaper than most places
24. Literacy rate is very high
25. We get to catch international acts, though not as many as we'd like to

26. Ipoh, Shah Alam, Penang and many more places are brewing and bustling with art
27. Our local food is better than Singapore's. Really.
28. There are no public shootings
29. Our local news is excitingly entertaining
30. There are a lot of beautiful people here
31. Our diet is variety. It may not be the same everyday
32. Food is available 24/7
33. Bkt originated from here
34. We produce world class athletes
35. Our food has gone around the world

image via.
36. Our jams are not that bad when you compare them to others
37. We have tons of hidden gems, even you don't know about
38. Our Internet is relatively fast
39. We have the world's highest suspension bridge
40. We actually have a pet cemetery
41. We have the largest roundabout in the world in Putrajaya

42. For having one of the world's top diving spots - Sipadan
43. For not being shy to sit at a stranger's table while eating
44. We're actually a very friendly lot of people
45. Our data speeds are getting faster.
46. We get the latest tech gadgets, maybe 2-3 months later. It used to be, never?
47. We are insanely Internet savvy. We're one of the top online shoppers in the world.
48. For our tropical weather, because hot and wet is better than super cold and wet.
49. For being natural disaster free.
50. For actually having music that's kinda nice.
51. And talent like this:

52. For learning that kindness and politeness is the best human quality ever when growing up in a multicultural society.
53. For the amount of greenery around us. It is simply more beautiful than just a city jungle. 
54. For the numerous artists that continue to make a mark with our craft in the world.
55. For good Samaritans all around us. There are more of them than you think. 
56. For being able to embrace all kinds of cultures, even from the outside.
57. Lastly, for being able to call this place, home.

Express your love for your country in two easy ways:

- Upload your photo at
- Upload your photo to Instagram and hashtag #mycinta to showcase all the things you love about Malaysia

This post was brought to you by Celcom, gladly bringing all your special moments to show your love for our country this Merdeka.