Courting someone over text and social media? Here are some methods and mistakes you never want to follow. Learn from this, or you'll be single for a long time to come!

1. Smooth, but you'll want to tone it down a tad bit.

2. Sharing a picture of someone who's not your gf is creepy. Period.

3. The guy who keeps getting ignored.

4. Helping your kid get a date via social media.

5. Don't hit on other people's girlfriends.

6. Semi-hot.

7. Joking about being in a relationship gets you nowhere.

8. The guy who is straight to the point.

9. The guy who mistook a pug for something else.

10. Airing your dreams on social media.

11. Creepy.

12. When you get ignored, move on.

13. The saddest guy.

14. Coming on too strong.

15. Trying too hard to help a girl out.

16. wrong!

17. This guy is ready for a gf.

18. Creative but no one's gonna play with him.

19. The blackmailer.