Do a corridor survey now and you'll discover that people are statistically not talking to one another on the phone these days. Instead, everyone is in to texting or Whatsapp-ing or whatever form of communication that involves some internet connection. This evidence points to why we all need data so badly these days. Here are the 11 times you wished you had more of it:

1. Navigation is the best invention ever..until.

Your map decides that it doesn't want to load anymore because you're out of data.

Story of your life.

You try other maps just to be sure, because...sure, that makes sense.

Nope, still doesn't work.

2. You can't make up your mind without data.

Are you out buying stuff? Want to read up on a review and the difference in price? You can't do that if you don't have data.

3. Safari can't find this page, bitch!

Don't you just hate when this happens?

4. Not connected to the Internet

Can't get your minute-by-minute fix of Facebook feed because you aren't connected to the Internet. Tough luck.

On the plus side, you still get to post even if you are offline.

5. Your videos take forever to load because finished your quota.

Guess what? That cat becomes unicorn video you wanted to watch so badly will have to wait. Because you've got no data, fool!

You have 100 problems, and no data is one of them!

6. Or take forever to load:

Guess that cat video has got to wait..

7. Social isolation sucks

When everyone else is in a group chatting away, you're waiting for the next Wi-Fi hotspot to be available.

This is everyone:

This is you:

8. You become a leach

"Dude, can you spot me some data?"

9. People start to think if you are avoiding their texts

Ask anyone, and they're most likely messaging friends via an app. So the shitty part here is when you don't have data at all. Your only solace and redemption is when you find a hotspot followed by "sorry, just got your message."

Have to pretend to text...

On another note, did you forget SMS was another form of communication?

10. You'll be looking for Wi-Fi places all the time.

The rules have changed.

11. Only to find...that every one is now connected to it and slowing the entire network down.


Technology has put us in a position where we're comfortable not being on the phone with one another anymore these days. We all need more data. And that's a fact. Don't be stingy about it. It's cheap already these days. We're serious.

Don't want to run out of 'Internet'? The Celcom First One Plan offers more data than other telcos and has one of the best plans for calls and SMSes, all for as low as RM68 a month. Head to their site for more details.