ArRuFa, is a lonely man. Because how else would you explain his shower head? He turned it into a "beautiful" lady, except not everyone will find this particular lady "beautiful". Here's his step-by-step story of how he made an ordinary and boring shower head into the creepiest thing a shower can have.

1. The stuff of nightmares:

2. It started with a boring shower head.

3. He bought a mask, some white clay, newspapers..

4. He attached it to the shower head.

5. Created a dress for the "lady".

6. Blew up balloons because she needed some cleavage.

7. It was almost done. And was already super creepy.

8. He added a wig.

9. Creepy factor multiplied tenfold.

10. Here's another view.

11. Time to test. It works.

12. You don't want this happening.

13. She obviously isn't hungry.