Sherlock Holmes is full of wit and clever come backs you wished you could think of on the spot. But it is also full of puns. Here are some of our favorites. Check them out in the list below:

1. Sherlock's real estate agent.

2. Sherlock's sense of fashion.

3. Holmium!

4. Yummy!

5. Oh, Molly!

6. The buddy system.

7. In reference of Sherlock's fall.

8. Making puns from names part 1:

9. Making puns from names part 2:

10. Making puns from names part 3:

11. Would you like more tea?

12. It's a party!

13. Amused much?

14. Sherlock's busy.

15. One man band.

16. Confusion.

17. Sherlock's fashionable.

18. What happens when you close the case?

19. Texting:

20. Watson's mustache.

21. When saying the obvious.

22. Where does he cut his hair?