A woman, who has been identified by social media users as Kiki Kamaruddin created a scene when she got into a fender bender. A senior citizen had hit her white Peugeot from behind. The video you'll see below was taken by passer-by, Jessica Qi, recording her entire fit.

While the senior citizen was calm, she wasn't. She went on to hit his car with a steering lock. What rage!

It didn't take long for these memes to appear online:

And then a confrontation with Thor.

Needless to say, she definitely needs some anger management. And possibly some jail time.

Kiki smash! kikikikikikikiki

The senior citizen deserved some credit as he was relatively calm.

Mr. Miyagi style!

Now there's a Facebook fan page for Kiki.

How will this play out?

[therakyatpost and here]