Kids say the darndest things don't they? They also write the creepiest notes. Ever. We're sure it's unintentional. (We think.) These creepy notes however, makes me think otherwise. Do you need to worry if your child writes notes like these? Check them out below.

1. "Prepare for your doom" - not the luckiest father in the world.

2. What's with the axe?

3. We're sure she meant...Santa.

4. Why are mom and dad lucky to be alive??

5. "Merry Deathmiss" doesn't have the same holiday spirit.

6. "Let us in" slipped under the door. What could this mean?!

7. Kids don't like candy these days. They like Wi-Fi.

8. Just don't step on this guy's toes. "You'll be sorry".

9. "Die the most painful death" isn't probably something Hallmark would sell.

10. Kids can be a tad morbid.

11. "How are you doing in hell" isn't something most people say.

12. "A song called falling to your doom!"

13. "I collect her hair". OMG.

14. "Dancing on mommy's grave."

15. I don't even know where to begin with this one:

16. What's wrong with this one, you ask? Nothing...

But turn it around and you'll see the horror:

What the hell is going in there?

17. "She's doing okay in there" is the creepiest thing in this note.