Being an adult isn't fun. There's so much stress. And responsibilities. You can goof off at work but expect to find yourself unrewarded for it. Being a kid on the other hand, is great. You can do just about anything you want. And it'll seem silly and fun. Here are 20 adults who feel that way.

1. You go out in public as a superhero.

2. You build couch castles.

3. You have lots of fun at work.

4. You take over the bouncy castle.

5. You eat this for breakfast.

6. And this for dinner.

7. Only an adult can do think of this.

8. You use the creative mind of a child to come up with poses like this: 

9. You over-indulge.

10. You do things like this:

11. You help people open doors with the Force.

12. You slide on wooden floors in socks.

13. You find this funny. Okay, so who doesn't?

14. You've always wanted to go back on a slide.

15. You wear kid pajamas.

16. You find this funny.

17. You accept challenges!

18. You play superhero at work.

19. Your hide and seek games are admittedly more fun.

20. You fall asleep whenever and wherever you want.