The knockout rounds of the World Cup is about to begin. Portugal, Spain, Italy, England are out. Many more have followed. Only the best have advanced. The most beautiful game have turned into the saddest one for these people. Here are the 17 pictures of the winners of the World Cup of Sadness.

1. Even grown men cry.

2. Sometimes they break down to the ground and do it.

3. It is a common technique.

4. Others just walk away with their faces in their hands.

5. Others just can't get up.

6. They cry without their shirts on.

7. Some need their shirts to wipe the tears away.

8. It is also a common technique.

9. England knew they couldn't advance. They're used to the sadness.

10. See how they cope? Pretty well actually.

11. Except for the time Rooney couldn't hold it in. *Fall to the ground!*

12. But this guy got it worst of all. 

13. His name is Iker Casillas.

14. This will probably be the end of his goalkeeping career.

15. He even gets photobombed by a smiling Robben.

16. Then there's this guy - Cristiano Ronaldo with his usual sad face.

17. And an unexpected sad face, thinking if his next paycheck is going to be as big as it was before the World Cup.

Till the next four years, guys.