There are a lot of horrible bosses out there who can make even the most enjoyable job seem like a living nightmare. 

Even Hollywood acknowledges this reality; there's an actual movie where the plot involved killing off your horrible boss. But unlike their real life counterparts, movie bad bosses come across as fascinating, edgy, sexy and really cool.

If your boss happens to share any traits with the fictional ones listed below, it might be a good idea to consider applying for another job:

10. Miranda Priestly - The Devil Wears Prada

Infamous quote: "Details of your incompetence do not interest me."

As editor-in-chief of fictional fashion magazine Runway, Miranda is best known for treating her subordinates in a manner that borders on emotional and psychological abuse.

9. John Milton - The Devil’s Advocate

Infamous quote: "Free will. It's like butterfly wings: once touched, they never get off the ground. No, I only set the stage. You pull your own strings."

Representative of a New York law firm by day, powerful demon by night, he also happens to be the father of the protagonist (played by Keanu Reeves).

8. Gordon Gekko - Wallstreet

Infamous quote: "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good."

A ruthless and legendary Wall Street player whose will stop at nothing to get what he wants, even if it means breaking the law.

7. J. Jonah Jameson -  The Amazing Spider Man

Infamous quote: "'Get your pretty little portfolio off my desk before I go into a diabetic coma!"

While the rest of the country adores Spider-Man, this editor is busy trying to slander the webslinger's name. His personal agenda gets in the way of him actually doing his job which ultimately hurts the career of everyone else working for him at the major metropolitan newspaper.

6.  Richard "Dick" Jones - Robocop

Infamous quote:"But life goes on, it's an old story, the fight for love and glory, huh Bob? It's helps if you think of it as a game. Every game has a winner... and a loser. I'm cashing you out, Bob."

This former Senior President of OCP is a ruthless, fiercely competitive and totally amoral silver-haired fox who will do anything to eliminate the competition, even if it means murder.

5. Bruce Wayne - The Dark Knight Returns

Infamous quote: "It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me."

Billionaire-playboy by day, badass superhero by night, working for Bruce Wayne means always having to be on call (no vacation time) and absolutely no questions asked when he needs rescuing from seedy neighborhoods in the middle of the night.

4. Blake - Glengarry Glen Ross

Infamous quote: "Nice guy? I don't give a shit. Good father? Fuck you! Go home and play with your kids. You wanna work here - close!"

The determined motivational speaker from Hell, his infamous speech can either increase productivity or inspire suicide.

3. Michael Corleone - The Godfather

Infamous quote: "I don't feel I have to wipe everyone out... Just my enemies

Intelligent, charming and ruthless, his won't let anything come between his mission to expand the "family business", even if it means destroying the ones closest to him.

2. Bill Lumbergh - Office Space

Infamous quote: "I'm gonna need you to go ahead come in tomorrow. So if you could be here around 9 that would be great, okay? Oh, and I almost forgot, I'm also going to need you to go ahead and come in on Sunday too, okay?"

Best known for his trademark passive-aggressive remarks, this abusive boss revels in his micromanagement on his Initech employees.

1. Darth Vader - Star Wars

Infamous quote: "I find your lack of faith disturbing."

As the righthand man of Emperor Palpatine, challenging this boss means risking a force choke hold around your neck.