Movies are good business. They are especially great business when they become franchises. And while not every one of them out of Hollywood is a hit, these 19 are. And they are huge. It is also the reason why they keep getting made and why Michael Bay still has a job. They've grossed 86 billion combined already. Check them out below:

1. James Bond–$14.6 Billion

2. Star Wars–$9.1 Billion

3. Harry Potter–$9 Billion

4. Marvel Cinematic Universe–$5.1 Billion

5. The Tolkien Saga–$4.9 Billion

6. Batman–$4.7 Billion

7. Pirates of the Caribbean–$4.2 Billion

8. Spider-Man–$3.8 Billion

9. Indiana Jones–$3.5 Billion

10. The Twilight Saga–$3.5 Billion

11. Jaws–$2.98 Billion

12. Star Trek–$2.97 Billion

13. Rocky–$2.96 Billion

14. Jurassic Park–$2.94 Billion

15. Transformers–$2.90 Billion

16. Superman–$2.40 Billion

17. X-Men–$2.23 Billion

18. The Matrix–$2.13 Billion

19. Terminator–$2.0146 Billion