It is your first day at college, and you're excited. Keg stands sound interesting. Beautiful and smart women all around. You are ready to make college the most memorable time of your life. But first, you'll need to make friends, possibly all over again like in high school. Coca-Cola has an idea, and it could work.

They created a bottle with a "Friendly Twist" to it. It is impossible to open unless you find another person with another bottle to match the caps to unlock it. It's genius. Watch the commercial below:

Except the last time I saw that many people rush to a Coke fridge was when it was free to take. Either way, it is a good way to kick up a conversation. Thanks, Coke, but the rest is really up to you.

Here's a pro pickup tip if you're looking to use this on girls. Or guys. Look your finest and don't act your dorkiest and hunt down the hottest looking member of the opposite sex and give them a second bottle. Magic! Friends forever!