Anyone can be a hoarder even if it feels like it's not an issue after watching all-too-real and extreme cases on Hoarders. Hoarding isn't cute at all, especially when it begins to affect your health and break up your family. If you're prone to keeping stuff - especially things you don't need, you're on a bright path to hoarding.

But get this, hoarding goes beyond the home too. Did you know that there are loads of people who hoard junk in their cars? Like seriously, they seem to have a real issue with throwing things away, even if it was rubbish from their car. We've seen people with expired parking tickets, tissue boxes, meal bags, books, magazines, shoes, letters from a mailbox, beauty products, phone chargers, all sitting in the car for years.

Does this sound like you? Does this sound like it's gonna be you? Here are some signs you should be wary of:

1. You keep tons of receipts in your glove compartment and anywhere else you can slot them in.

2. You can always find change, if you look hard enough anywhere in your car.

3. Newspapers and magazines from 2009 are still in your car.

4. Your friend got married in 2011. The wedding invitation is still in your car.

5. Your trunk consists of a jacket, multiple shoes, old newspapers, letters, magazines, books, and whatever.

6. 27 plushies live in your car.

7. There is an empty McDonald's fries box under your seat which has become home to one of the 27 plushies.

8. You have expired parking tickets everywhere - mostly in the slots where your receipts are.

9. You forget all the water bottles you stock in your car since day one. That explains the rolling sounds you've already gotten immune to.

10. You listen to 1 or 2 CDs but have 34 others stashed at the side, top or wherever.