Looks like "science" has just proven that everybody farts, especially when they're at work. This was revealed in a new poll conducted by Black Sheep, which surveyed 95 professional workers about their farting habits. Here's what they uncovered:
While a cool 45% of the people admit to farting just kinda wherever they have to fart, we think it'd be safe to say that most of the time that would be in a semi-personal work area, so there'd be some overlap with the 12% who chose to go back to their work area and sink those gaseous farticles into their poor, battered office chair.

...But what really ruffles our factory feathers are the 25% of people who walk around crop dusting their co-workers like there's no tomorrow.
So does this mean we no longer have to hold it in? We're guessing that all depends on what you had for lunch... Because the last thing anyone needs in the office is to be trapped in a poorly ventilated room with someone suffering from gas.