Anyone who has ever experienced being trapped in the dreaded "friendzone" knows just how tough it can get. This is the place where you'll end up if the person you're romantically interested in doesn't feel the same way, but also doesn't want to lose you as a friend.

Here are the top 10 things that will run through every guy's mind once they get "friendzoned".

1. Sure she's seeing someone, but I can wait for her.

2. I wonder what does that other guy she likes has over me?

3. Maybe if I spend all my time with her, she won't get to meet anyone else.

4. I wonder if she wants to have breakfast, lunch and dinner together. Forever.

5. Maybe if I keep trying, she'll eventually realize she's in love with me too.

6. Maybe if I tell her I'm seeing someone else, she'll get jealous and change her mind.

7. Maybe if I convince her friends to say how good we're together, she'll change her mind.


9. Maybe I'm just a coward for trying to manipulate her into liking me back instead of just accepting that we'll always just be friends.

10. Maybe it's time to let her go and actually find someone else who feels the same way.

So remember, for those of you who are still stuck in the friendzone, the more friends you have that are girls, the more beautiful girls you are going to meet through them!

Or if you don't have any other friends who are girls, run for the hills now to avoid long-term depression.