Ever wonder how much the Avengers Mansion would sell for in today's NYC market? One real-estate expert decided to do the math, and ended up valuing the superhero pad for a cool $113 million!

The insane price-tag was based on the fictional mansion's estimated size (42,000-square-feet), its location (890 Fifth Avenue) and price of other private homes in the area ($2,649 per square foot):
How does this price compare to other super-abodes? Well, just within the Marvel universe, it's $4,074,124 less than Tony Stark's Mansion, $99,540,324 less than Thor's castle, and $54,995,490 more than the X-Mansion. DC's Superman has it beat, though, with his Fortress of Solitude worth more than $813 trillion.

To bring this all back to Captain America, I figured out that in 1941, the year he first debuted in "Captain America Comics" #1, the Avengers Mansion would have cost about $7.1 million. That's what I call a super investment.
[The Movoto Blog]