Imagine you're good at what you do in your industry. In fact, you're famous. Heck, people love you. You give a 110% all the damn time. But you've never ever been awarded an accolade that validates all that you do. You may just be the Leonardo DiCaprio of your industry.

DiCaprio has been nominated for an Academy Award for three times already. He's went home empty handed all those times. Will he finally win one for his performance in The Wolf of Wall Street? Or not? Will the curse of DiCaprio take into effect again?

Either way, Leo doesn't need no stinking Oscar to validate his work. He's the fucking boss man. He's a winner. Here are a few GIFs to prove just that.

Yeah he'll applaud.

And he'll toast to that.

He knows he doesn't need to win

Cos he's not impressed.

Yup he doesn't care:

But if he does win, he'll do the victory dance:

Leo you're a winner no matter what.