If Fido could speak, what would he say? While some dog owners claim they can interpret every growl, yawn, and yelp, the rest of us are still scratching our heads trying to figure out what these four-legged companions are trying to tell us.

And that's where No More Woof comes in. This headset was designed by fashionable Scandinavian brainstormers at the Nordic Society for Invention and Discovery. Check out the demo below:

The headset reads your dog's mind via electroencephalogram sensors to measure brain waves, which have been categorized into thought patterns such as "I'm hungry," "I'm tired," and "I want to pee." A brain-computer interface powered by a Raspberry Pi will then turns these mental states into verbal cues.

Right now the tech is still very much still a concept, but you can support them by checking out the official Indiegogo campaign page here.