Theories abound regarding the symbolism and meaning of blood, and even today, it continues to spark controversy and conversation. Why is blood so significant? What does it represent? How is it associated with evil? These are some of the questions that have been raised throughout history, and more recently, in our current society. 

Let's look at some of the most common theories surrounding blood and symbolism in general.

1. Blood is Symbolic of Life
It may sound strange to say that blood represents life, but it is possible. Many cultures worldwide view blood as a symbol of life itself, and ancient Egyptians have utilized the use of blood in their rituals. Some believe that "life" originated from the Greek words for "blood." This idea isn't necessarily new; in fact, it goes back thousands of years.

As the ancient Greeks grew in influence, their philosophy spread across Europe and eventually the rest of the continent. For instance, the blood of animals that sacrificed themselves in rituals was considered a gift by the gods themselves. They saw it as an offering to the heavens, much like we see blood giving as a donation to worthy causes. Of course, blood wasn't simply seen as a token of devotion; it was also thought to possess unique properties.

2. Blood is a Reminder of Our Mortality
The idea that blood represents mortality is another prevalent theory brought up throughout history. For instance, in the medieval period, blood was used in many religious rituals, including those surrounding death and mourning. During these ceremonies, mourners would wear red clothing because it symbolized the color of blood. In addition, during funerals, family members would give symbolic gifts to the deceased, such as jewelry and clothing. In some cases, they would even dress in a similar fashion themselves.

This was done to help them mourn similarly to the departed. However, it is important to note that most people in the medieval period were not particularly concerned with death. As long as they practiced good hygiene, it was believed that they could live forever. In reality, this was not always true, but it is difficult to understand why the concept of dying was so terrifying to them.

3. Blood Is Associated With Violence
While violence is often associated with death, it can also be associated with life. Blood is certainly a violent substance, especially when you consider its ability to clot and heal wounds. However, blood has also been used for murder and war on the flip side. For instance, ancient cultures used blood as a weapon in battle. They would coat their weapons with it or even use it as part of their armor.

In modern times, however, we associate blood with violence. We see it used as a weapon, a method of torture, and even a means of revenge. Even today, blood is commonly found in movies, television shows, and video games.

4. Blood is a Means of Communicating with the Dead
In many ways, the connection between blood and death is quite apparent. After all, a person dies when their heart stops beating, resulting in blood loss. However, another type of death is somewhat less widely understood, and it is much more controversial.

After death, it involves communicating with ghosts, spirits, and other lingering entities. It is a practice that is not exactly well-known, yet it is very real. There are numerous documented cases of people communicating with the dead through various methods, including blood. In some cases, this communication can occur while the individual is still alive.

5. Blood is a Weapon
This last theory is perhaps the strangest of all. Although it seems almost absurd, some people believe that blood is a weapon. Specifically, they claim that it can kill anyone that comes into contact with it. Whether this is true or not, there are plenty of historical examples where blood has been used to symbolize power.

For instance, during the Middle Ages, leaders would paint themselves with the blood of their enemies. They would then display their bodies to show off their strength and dominance. In some cases, they would even offer their children blood as a sign of respect.

In recent times, we have come to understand the significance of blood better. However, the mystery surrounding it never seems to fade away entirely. The truth about the meaning of blood will likely remain a topic of conversation for generations to come.

How Is Blood Being Used In The Modern Art Form
There is no denying that blood has played an integral role in art for centuries. Most of us are familiar with the famous painting entitled "The Scream" by Norwegian artist Edvard Munch. As an iconic piece of work, it is instantly recognizable to millions upon millions of people worldwide. However, did you know that it features a man covered in blood? It is not uncommon to find images that showcase blood in the artwork. Some of these pieces were designed as a means of conveying political messages. Other works were created to capture the unique qualities of blood itself.

Blood has been incorporated into modern art for decades. Some of the most famous artists of our time have utilized blood as part of their creative process. Jackson Pollock, Henri Matisse, Salvador Dali, and Andy Warhol. Their work continues to inspire new generations of artists, who continue to explore the meaning behind this liquid substance. 

One such artist is Cory DeAn Cowley, an American author, artist, and poet. She owns C.D.C. Works, which operates out of Delray Beach, FL, and specializes in graphic horror novels and equally horrific art pieces. She created the album artwork for Heads for the Dead and Aiwass. Cory has been using blood in her art since she graduated from college. She believes that it allows her to express herself fully. While she may be right, there is something to be said about how blood can be used in the art world.

You may have heard of the term "blood painting," which refers to an artistic technique that is very popular within contemporary art circles. The process involves coating a canvas with paint and pressing your hand against it, spilling blood onto the surface. The purpose of the practice is to create a unique image that highlights the uniqueness of the blood. It is a powerful tool that can add depth, texture, and emotion to a piece of art.

Final Words
Regardless of its origins, it is clear that blood is a special substance. Its appearance and uses can vary from culture to culture, and yet it remains the same – a liquid that is both red and alive. It is interesting to note how frequently it has been used throughout the ages. From the earliest civilizations to the modern-day, it has served countless purposes. 

While many people continue to debate what the symbolism behind blood truly entails, there is no doubt that it plays an important role in human society. It has been used as a means of communication, a form of currency, and a weapon of war. Even evidence suggests it is a way of communicating with the dead. Regardless of the exact nature of this relationship, there is no denying that blood holds a mysterious place in the hearts of many.