Do you remember the first time you first became conscious of your physical features? Back in the day, you probably relied on old and tired techniques to maintain your own standard of beauty.

These days, technology is not only limited to scientific milestones and world-changing ideas. In fact, the scope of technological breakthroughs has reached the beauty and fashion industry so much, to the point that most people will probably rely on mobile beauty apps to improve their selfies for Instagram.

Huffington Post perfectly captures the significant change that people have gone through in terms of getting the latest style trends. “As our beauty routines have become more intertwined with the latest technology, we’ve found ways to look good and shop smart — with much less fuss.”

Let us discover some of the ways that modern technology has placed its influence on the beauty industry.

Beauty tools for home-based treatment

In the past, beautification procedures such as laser hair removal and microdermabrasion require the expertise and tools of a professional salon. Now, the tools of the trade are now available for home use, so that people can do the procedures in the privacy of their homes. The emergence of readily available beauty tools has led to the possibility of doing spa and salon treatments at home.

The use of wearables

Wearable technology has emerged as a highly useful tool primarily because of its portability and attachment to the human body. Aside from bringing life to exciting new products such as the Apple Watch, wearable technology has also birthed innovative beauty tools to help people maintain their beauty and overall health.

Check out this amazing wearable patch featured in One latest product from L’Oreal measures UV exposure so that the wearer will know how much SPF is needed. Get ready for healthier skin that’s protected from the sun’s rays!

Online customer service

A lot of women around the world may have encountered the problem of booking salon appointments at one point in their lives. Some salons require their clients to either make a phone call to book a spa session, or physically visit the store to make an appointment (which really defeats the purpose of convenience).

Fortunately, we’re now enjoying a time when online transactions are fairly common. Beauty salons can now set up a Salon appointment book to schedule their clients better, or use online applications to improve post-sales customer services and overall client experience.

Online visuals

Instead of trying to predict – in complete and utter failure – the latest trends in the beauty industry, we can just do a quick online search to check out this season’s style standards. You can just tune into Vine videos to watch fashion shows, or browse YouTube videos on do-it-yourself makeup tips to help you save up on beauty salon expenses.

In addition, technological concepts such as augmented reality (AR) are now being considered as potentially useful tools in the industry. “There’s a future where technologies like augmented reality (AR) and face-mapping could transform the way consumers discover products,” according to The Guardian. One crazy but effective example is an AR Nail application from Maybelline, which allows consumers to “try” on different nail polish colors by simply taking a picture of their nails and browsing through color swatches.

The standards of beauty may change through the years, but you should expect technology to keep up with these updates.