The truth: we come in all shapes and sizes.
The truth: if only this applied in real-life.
The truth: looks aren't everything. Don't just go for anyone who looks good. Consider personality too!
The truth: courting isn't as easy as just dancing and singing and making eye contact. There's a lot more to this!
The truth: life is not a musical.
The truth: you'll call pest control if this happens.
The truth: magic doesn't exist. So don't rely on this.
The truth: not everyone can parkour if they wanted to. Not everyone.
The truth: we're beginning to put clothes on animals these days because it looks cute. So yeah, maybe we'll let this one slide.
The truth: they're just as handsome, but in their own animal way.
The truth: it takes more than love to make a relationship work. And it takes more than love to solve problems. Saying 'I love you' doesn't make problems go away.
The truth: there are some that can, right now, but fighting with a sword? No, probably not. And thank goodness for that too.
The truth: it will make time fly past really fast, but not like how you see in films.
The truth: unless you're on some drug trip, don't expect to find one.
The truth: sadly, not everyone has a happy ending. But it doesn't hurt to hope and work towards one.