You've tried it. A few times over. Year on year. Every turn of a new one, you set this as your resolution. You want to get fit. You want to hit the gym. You want to make a change. But somehow, you fail before you even get down to it.

1. You realize you've got to change your lifestyle.

2. You get the support of friends because you can't do this alone.

3. You psych yourself up so much you're ready!

4. You even make a playlist.

5. And before it starts, you wonder if you should sign up to a gym.

6. But then you remember what happened last time

7. But you go ahead anyway. And then you realize it's okay for you to snack. You'll burn everything off in the gym anyway.

8. After awhile you ache. You've not exercised since last year.

9. But you try. You look in the mirror and see improvements.

10. Then this happens..

11. You overdo it.

12. Expecting to look hot the next day.

13. But realize Spartans weren't made in a day.

14. And then, you're favorite TV show is on.

15. "Everyone works out in front of the TV, right?"

16. But you decide, binge watching is better.

17. So you start tomorrow.

Tomorrow = next year.