Have you ever been told you look a tad like Justin Bieber? If you have, then you'll know the struggles of all the other women who have had to suffer remarks and comments from others regarding it. Here's what all of you probably have had to go through.

1. You're not sure if that's a compliment or an insult.

2. Maybe it's an insult to him?

3. People might make fun of you, depending on their views. But you can always show them the finger.

4. If you're Ruby Rose, you give no fucks at all because damn you're hot.

5. I mean, if Justin Bieber has to look like you to look good, then you're good. You're good.

6. Other times people might just not like your face because of the resemblance.

7. But you assert you look absolutely no where near like him.

8. You try to get a different hairstyle because the Biebs just copied you again.

9. But ultimately, you couldn't give a rat's ass.

10. Still, you're not taking this lying down.

11. You just don't see how they are seeing the resemblance.

12. Sure, this is Ruby Rose. No wait. What? It's Justin Bieber?

13. This is Ruby Rose. That haircut looks better on chicks anyway.

14. Right?

15. Here's your standard reply.

16. Sometimes you joke.

But ultimately, it's a compliment for him to look like you. You can't help it if famous people decided to look just like you.