Friends come and go but the ones from your childhood usually stick around. Right? Or not. You might just grow out of them too, according to science. But it's not your fault, and it is perfectly normal. Researchers decided to study why is that and found that the only true friend you have, is science.

Here's the study:

The study evaluated the friendships of 410 preteens starting when the students were in seventh grade.201 of the participants were boys and 209 were girls. The average age of the students was 13.

The study found about half of all the friendships which are formed during any grade in middle school do not last a full academic year.

Researchers also observed that friendships formed in sixth and eighth grade are “highly unstable.” Sixth-grade friendships are usually holdovers from elementary school that often do not survive in middle school while eighth-grade friendships often do not make the transition into high school.

It's also a good thing you're not friends with the same people anymore too:

“For most of us, life is full of change,” Laursen said. “Circumstances can make it so that even the most compatible of ​friends can no longer maintain a relationship. Successful adaptation requires adjusting to change and I fear that those who are never forced to make new friends may have some difficulties doing so when times change.”

So don't feel bad.

Though, it's tough to make new friends as you get older.