Are Disney villains misunderstood? Or are they truly evil? Being that character isn't easy, especially since, there are tons of life struggles you have to go through. Unfortunately, the world isn't fair, and in the Disney world, villains lose. All the time. Here are the struggles:

1. No one likes to invite you to parties. So you have to crash them.

2. Kids. They just have no respect for elders these days.

3. Like when you tell them to leave you alone for a while.

4. You have to look your best all the time.

5. Otherwise you'll get body shamed and get called ugly.

6. Because how else are people going to take you seriously?

7. Everyone around you is probably an idiot.

8. The ones closest to you are idiots.

9. They'll point out every one of your shortcomings and bully you with it.

10. But when you're trying to make a point, they'll call you a bully.

11. Nothing is ever direct for you.

12. Your sworn enemy is likeable.

13. You have to lie all the time.

14. Some girls don't like extroverts. What's the deal?

15. Even when you try to help, people don't appreciate you.

16. Not even your family will be on your side, sometimes.

17. It's stressful to come out with perfect evil plots.