The environment is something that is becoming increasingly important to all of is in all areas of our day to day lives. We are always on the lookout for ways to become more environmentally friendly whether that means recycling our waste or conserving energy. It should come as no surprise then that interior design and home improvement is also getting the 'green' treatment. Let's take a look at some of this year's latest green living trends.

Increased Investment in Green Homes

One particular trend that is definitely on the increase for 2015 is our willingness to invest more money in greener homes. The majority of home owners and buyers are comfortable with paying a little bit more for properties that and more environmentally friendly. A recent study indicated that 62% of construction firms who were building single family homes said that over 15% of their projects were green builds. As demand increases, builders and architects are creating new homes which are more energy efficient and are including eco-friendly features such as water conserving plumbing systems and solar panels.

Up-cycled Furniture and Accessories

Thanks to a number of popular television shows on the subject, more and more of us are trying our hands at up-cycling. It has become incredibly fashionable to scour junk yards and thrift stores for old pieces of furniture to give a second lease of life to. DIY is very much on trend in 2015 with more of us realising that a lick of fresh paint or some new upholstery can have a tired piece of furniture looking fabulous. It isn't just furniture that is being snapped up for interior design projects.

All sorts of discarded objects are being re-purposed to create unique and interesting design features. Old fruit crates can be transformed into beautiful storage solutions while reclaimed timber can be reborn as rustic shelving. With a little imagination the possibilities are endless and by buying second hand items, or re-purposing things you already have you are being much greener by reducing waste.

Choosing More Energy Efficient Lighting

Everyone knows that lighting is an incredibly important element of interior design. In an ideal world, every home would benefits from an abundance of natural light, but this is not always the case so what we can do is make sure that the lighting options we choose are more energy efficient. The current trend in lighting is to use LED and Halogen lighting. These are much greener options because they save energy and the bulbs will last for much longer.  LED light use between 2 and 17 watts of electricity which is between a third and one-thirtieth of the amount used by a standard incandescent bulb. Not only will you be helping the environment when you choose LED lighting, but you will drastically reduce your energy bills!

Sourcing Sustainable Materials

There is now more focus than ever before on sustainability. In fact, many interior design schools are including sustainable design in their curriculum. The first step toward more sustainable design is sourcing materials that are produced in a  responsible manner from sustainable local sources. If you are thinking about working with an interior designer or architect then it is a good idea to express your desire to use sustainable resources. You can usually find out what your designer's stance on sustainability is by paying a quick visit to their website, but if not then do not be afraid to ask them outright where they stand.

These are some of the green trends that have become apparent as we move through 2015. When it comes to home improvement and design, there is a growing focus on being more eco-friendly and this is shaping the industry.

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