This is probably not what you thought you signed up for when you joined the airlines to be a flight attendant. In China, you have to go through military training because some passengers can get pretty crazy.

Some Chinese flight attendants go to an airline college that trains them in service and etiquette, plus  survival and hand-to-hand combat skills to subdue unruly passengers.

They have to go through hard core training like this:

Are these flight attendants or are they part of the army?

They might just be the fittest flight attendants in the world.

This is part of the training:

Known as "Iron Women," they have to respond and solve problems immediately when they arise. Training them to react quickly with an anti-terrorism capacity is essential, apparently.

It's a shame they weren't the ones on board the flight when Korean Air executive went nuts over some nuts.

No nuts for you, bitch! We're taking off!