Wearing high heels suck. But they're beautiful! And then they're painful. If you're conflicted with it all, you don't have to be. All you need is to know your heel-stuff. Vanity doesn't have to be that painful after all. Check it out below:

1. Know your heel types.

2. Know how to protect your feet.

3. These are the essentials you need.

4. The more open the shoe, the less support it'll provide.

5. Try this heel-elevation test to see if it is right for you.

Stand up straight first.

Then try to lift yourself up out of the heels. If you can, this means it's good for you. If you can't, it's probably too high for you.

6. Learn how to walk in them. The higher the heel, the smaller the stride.

7. Wear them at least once before you take them out for a special event.

8. Use ice to stretch them if they are too tight.

Works on leather shoes.

9. Exercise your feet to alleviate some of the pressure.

Check it out here.

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