TV is not a reflection of real-life. Because how can these people actually afford these homes in reality? Here are 8 TV shows that show you just how unreal their situations are.

1. Friends

Rachel's apartment doesn't seem realistic, because at one point she was unemployed. Then at another, before Monica married Chandler, she was cooking at a restaurant. They couldn't possibly afford the rent with the kind of incomes they were bringing in.

2. Modern Family

Phil is a real-estate agent, and Claire is just an office manager, so how did they afford their house which actually recently sold for $2.15 million? Plus they have 3 kids.

3. Full House

When you have your entire family tree along with some friends staying with you in your house, it seems pretty implausible that they could actually afford this place.

4. The Big Bang Theory

Penny works as a waitress. And a struggling actress, which means, no paying jobs. Nuff said.

5. Don't Trust The B in Apartment 23

Chloe and June's apartment looks really fantastic. Except, Chloe doesn't really have a real job, and June doesn't really have a career. And even if a coffee shop job can pay all the utilities of the apartment, what's left for rent is practically zero.

6. Workaholics

A two-story home with at least three bedrooms and a large backyard and a pool sounds a tad tough for these guys, especially since their budget for drugs and alcohol don't leave remotely enough for rent.

7. Girls

One can't find a job. The others are just, well, just them. So how in the world are they staying in a place that they can put their legs up and rest? Sounds unbelievable.

8. Gossip Girl

Rufus doesn't make a lot of money, so how in the world do the Humphreys live in a loft? That's huge! Or it could be that Dan was secretly paying it off with the ad money he earned from his blog as GG.