No one wants to think about their own death any sooner than absolutely necessary, but arranging a final needs plan is a loving and responsible thing to do for family and friends left behind. In fact, one might argue that it is truly a gift to those we really care about. Having a plan in place will guard loved ones against having to make crucial (and extremely expensive) decisions during such a stressful and overwhelming time. There are various plans offered by funeral homes and insurance companies, but they are definitely not all the same!

Some plans are basic while others quite comprehensive and extensive; however, the best plans come from companies that offer a variety of services. Excellent companies provide a personal account executive who will facilitate and aid their clients in every step of the process, explaining the benefits of each plan offered. Plans are completely individualized, adaptable to the client’s specific needs, and thus always affordable. Rates may start as low as $5 per month; plans are tax-free and no one is ever turned down due to their medical or financial history.

The best companies will pay out within hours of notification and offer a worldwide travel assistance plan that covers transport if death should occur in another country. They will even pay for your travel  companion’s trip home, or for your next of kin to join and travel with youif you were traveling alone.

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Good companies will also offer monument services and final document services to clear up loose ends and allow your loved ones time to grieve and remember in peace. Companies that offer monument services can help clients choose a monument in advance and decide what will be engraved upon it as a memorial.

Final document services will help alleviate the stress on loved ones by carrying out necessary administrative duties, such as notifying credit bureaus, Veterans Affairs, insurance companies, banks, passport and driver’s license offices, as well as Canada Revenue Agency, health offices, and more. This service may also apply for death,  survivor, and children’s benefits.

Preplanning for all of these necessities will provide peace of mind for loved ones who may not even think to notify organizations while under sudden stress. Monthly payments made will never increase, even though the cost of monuments and services continue to grow. The funds in these plans are protected and cannot be influenced by nursing homes, attorneys and estate fees. If you’d like to learn more, visit The Elephas Group online and discover how your money can be kept safe.

Caring for your loved ones and making their lives easier is of course incredibly important. As such, pre-planning is the responsible and loving way to provide for them. Such plans are devised to help provide all of the means necessary to cover funeral expenses and so much more. And with a plan that’s customized to meet individual needs, regardless of income or health, peace of mind is easy to achieve.