Given that most people spend roughly a third of each day on a mattress, the potential health effects should be considered when purchasing one. Sleep allows the body to recover from the previous day's exertions and to prepare itself both physically and mentally for the next day.

A mattress should therefore be chosen carefully, with due consideration given to the relationship between the quality of the mattress and the benefits it provides. The following is a look at ways that a mattress can affect a person's health:


If it does not provide adequate support, a mattress can reinforce poor sleeping posture, which means that it can also cause back pain. If the person sleeping on it already had back pain, lack of support may cause it to get worse. Mattresses that do not provide sufficient support cause muscles to be strained and fail to keep the spine properly aligned, both of which factor into lower back pain. On the other hand, a supportive mattress can eliminate or reduce back pain by allowing the spine to rest properly during sleep.


The materials used to make a mattress can also have an impact on an individual's health. For example, 25 percent of the pesticides used in the world are used on cotton crops. Opting for organic cotton over other materials can help to reduce the amount of pesticides that a person encounters in their daily life.  Aside from organic cotton, other materials that should be considered include natural latex and organic batting. Natural latex is durable and can last for decades unlike synthetic versions that break down relatively quickly.  Batting is the material that pads the springs inside the mattress. Wool is a good batting material as it is naturally fire-resistant and provides a softer sleeping surface.

Dust Mites

Beds are infested with dust mites. These creatures feed on dead skin cells. They are not parasites, nor do they bite; however, they do produce allergens. Their faecal matter and fragments of their bodies are left behind in sheets as well as in the mattress itself. These can cause allergies, especially in winter months when homes are closed up and there is less ventilation. Symptoms of a dust mite allergy can range from hay fever to asthma and infantile eczema. Fortunately, it is possible to keep mattresses from becoming infested with dust mites. Mite-proof covers keep mites from getting into the mattress without reducing comfort.


The term off-gassing refers to the tendency of some materials to release chemicals in the form of a gas. Some materials can give off chemicals at normal atmospheric pressure and can do this for years. The synthetic foams used to make many types of mattresses are known for doing this. If a mattress is off-gassing, the person sleeping on it will be exposed to the gases for six to eight hours per day over the life of the mattress. Choosing a mattress made with natural, environmentally friendly materials can reduce exposure to these chemicals and thus prevent a variety of side effects. Side effects of off-gassing include asthma, rashes and nausea.

The factors listed above affect the quality of sleep and sleep quality has an impact on many areas of a person's health and mental wellbeing. For example, how much sleep a person gets affects their immune system and can affects their susceptibility to illnesses. The quality of sleep can affect memory, attention span and weight gain as well. All of this is connected to the surface on which they sleep. Investing in a good mattress from a reliable store such as Ozmattress therefore makes a person healthier.