Most of the time, sex ends with HIS orgasm. Alexandra Fine and Janet Lieberman want to change the way women experience sex. For the better that is. They created a hands-free vibrator that promises to do just that.

Warning: This post has NSFW pictures.

The two women have backgrounds in sex therapy and mechanical engineering. Their company's name is called "Dame Products".

According to them, the "pleasure gap" is the reason why some women find sex not as enjoyable. The reason for it: a lack of clitoral stimulation during sex. 

The Eva is a small, hands-free vibrator. It can be tucked under a woman's labia majora during sex. This is how tucked: 

Also, here's a cartoon illustrating how to place the vibrator:

Eva, is a one size fits most. 30 women have tested it so far and have given positive feedback. Here are the testimonials:

For now, they are raising money via Indiegogo, and they just met their goal of $50,000. 

Will sex be much better from now on with the help of Eva?