Stock photos can be hilarious sometimes because it doesn't really depict what real life is. Over at It’s Like They Know Us, moms with a sarcastic flair submit their favorite and most ridiculous stock image of motherhood with a caption that describes it. Too funny!

Never happens:

This will never work:

I hear a chuckle somewhere.

Unfortunately, this doesn't happen.

The best parts of pregnancy.

Kids are never this calm.

Seriously, you just want to get this over and done with.

It's all about family fun!

Whoops, there goes a finger.

Getting back into shape is easy as pie.


If only it was this easy.

What the heck is Johnny starring at?

The only games you have time for is betting on when to change the diaper.

Over-sharing attracts over-caring.

I wonder if this ever happens.

Couch feeding is the best!