Everyone has that one friend who seems to be more keen on using hashtags than making actual sentences about the post. We need to stop them. For the good of all. Here are 5 reasons one too many hashtags are pointless.
1. Some of them don't relate to anything you're talking about

Just what does this picture have anything to do with sunrise, like4like, great, sweet, snooze, jewlery?? - wtf is that? Seriously, if you plan on using hashtags, at the very least, make them related to whatever you are posting.
2. Being too specific is super pointless.

First of all, are you going to remember the hashtag "the place where they signed the declaration of independence"? Second, are you even going to visit that hashtag? Third, why so specific? No one really cares about it, which brings us to the next point:
3. No one really cares about that hashtag. Really.

Let's see a show of hands if you've actually clicked through a hashtag that says crazyman, scary, WALKING, instasnap, STREET, CENTER, leash and more. None? That's right. It's because no one gives a shit about them. Especially when you're just hashtagging every word in the dictionary.
4. Some hashtags get read wrongly.

The SPACE bar never seemed so important, until hashtags came about. The reason for this? Words get read wrongly all the time. Take for example the hashtag above: SUSANALBUMPARTY. There are a few ways to read this:
1. Su's Anal Bum Party - Sounds like fun?
2. Or if you read it twice - Susan Album Party - this just bored me to death.

Then there's this other example.
The rapist life? Or Therapist life? Some words are not worth a hashtag.
5. It just says you've got nothing...to say.

Are you 2 years old and your ability to construct a sentence is still very limited so you just spit out words? If not, write a caption. Or anything. Anything but hashtags that don't make you look like you have some speech impediment.
Just ask yourself this. Does this make sense: Dog, cute, adorable, pet, pets, dogsofinstagram, ilovemydog, dogs....
Even Hulk makes better sentences:

Or you could be one of those annoying hashtag talking types:

Here's how silly you sound like in real life: