You'd be surprised at how many girls are actually really messy. Some of them collect so many things that it becomes a junkyard of useless stuff. Men expect women to be a lot neater than them, and while we shouldn't be expected to be neat just because we're girls, we should actually try to be neat as people anyway.

Here are 14 things that will turn any guy off in a girl's apartment. Perhaps it's time for a spring clean!

1. Soft toys

Men want to date women, not little girls. You don't have to throw your soft toys away, just maybe keep them out of sight when you invite men over. You might also want to keep your cute baby voice away while you're at it.

2. Pile of clothing on the floor, or anywhere else

You're a woman. Get a laundry basket and keep your home neat. Lazy girls are a turn off for men.

3. Messy surfaces

A collection of mess gives people the impression that you've a lot of unresolved issues in your life. Clean up, and keep your surfaces clear of...

4. Clutter

Because girls tend to hold on to countless items which may or may not be useful. It's important to declutter every now and then, and you'll feel better about yourself too. Guys, although messy, hate clutter.

5. Visible pads and tampons

Even though you're not having your period, leaving pads and tampons lying around is a little gross. Put them in a drawer or something!

6. Empty fridge and larder

This just shows men how undomesticated you are. Men like women who can take care of them, even if it's just a small way like feeding them! And no, you don't need to be able to whip up a complicated meal, but having some basic foods such as cereals, biscuits, beverages, bread and spreads will help you a long way. Of course, don't forget to check the expiry date and throw out what you don't need.

7. Childish prints

You might think it's cute but your male friends won't. Grow up and change your bedsheets, house clothes, and other fabrics.

8. Pictures of ex-boyfriends

Obviously you're not over your ex. Nobody wants to see a picture of exes all over the house, because they'll be thinking "is she thinking of her ex while we make out?" And you're only setting the tone for a fling.

9. Pictures of cats

For your own good, hide them.

10. Real cats

You're okay if you have a handful of kitties around the house. But when the number reaches a double digit, you might want to prepare for a lot of turn downs. No guy wants fluffy company staring at him while he tries to get romantic with you.

11. Self-help books

Psycho alert! Even though you're not. Guys will assume that you have some major issues that you probably haven't overcome, even thought you're totally fine. So maybe it's best you don't display them. Instead, leave out some coffee table books that nobody will bother reading.

12. Celine Dion CDs

Even girls will get turned off if you have these lying around.

13. Crumbs, dirt, and rubbish

What's worse than a messy woman? A dirty one. If you can't take care of your home, men won't trust you to be neat in their homes. And if these men can't even take care of themselves, then you're only going to add to their mess. Then again, it could be a match made in dirty heaven.

14. Hair, everywhere

All women suffer from hair fall. Some more than others. Before you know it, there is hair everywhere. In the toilet, in the living room, on the couch, in your kitchen, and more. Clean up your fallen hair and throw them away in a bin (throwing hair in sinks and in the shower will only clog them up over time). Guys are actually really disgusted with hair in shower filters.

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