Meeting the parents for the first time can be a nerve-wrecking experience, and not just because it's a big step in the relationship.

Some parents are friendly, welcoming people who will try to make a good impression on you. But other parents won't make it that easy. So if you want to make a good first impression, just practice these tips below:

1. Be optimistic but also realistic with your expectations.

2. Dress appropriately. Keep the slogan tees and skanky tops at home.

3. Clean up nice. Smell nice.

4. Try not to swear

5. Don't be someone else. This is their chance to get to know you, but don't be over-the-top either!

6. Don't check Facebook while having a conversation with them

7. Don't add them on Facebook, at least not yet

8. Do your homework. Remember their names.

9. Anticipate difficult questions about career, financial stability, and don't go unprepared.

10. Don't be late

11. Be confident when you meet them. Don't work out a sweat.

12. Be extra attentive to your partner. Don't be so afraid to show that you love her in front of her parents, but cut back the PDA.

13. Make sure they know something about you. Brief your partner before hand, but don't reveal too much either!

14. Don't mention how much you love their daughter for her physical attributes only

15. Ask questions, but don't go with the heavy topics.

16. If they argue amongst each other even in front of you, don't be the one to defuse it.

17. Offer to help when you can (washing the dishes, carrying the plates, etc)

18. Remember to thank them for the meal, or the drink they offered you. Manners is everything!

19. Need to smoke? No, you don't. Not yet.

20. Don't get drunk.

21. Don't overstay your welcome.

22. Make sure your body language reflects your enthusiasm, not your nervousness.